Agnieszka Sorensen, PhD

You can find all my publications on InspireHEP.

My research explores the thermodynamic properties of dense, strongly interacting matter. These properties are encoded in the QCD equation of state (EOS). Studying the EOS in extreme environments — such as supernovae, neutron stars and their mergers, and relativistic collisions of heavy nuclei — helps address key questions about strongly-interacting systems:

To investigate these questions, I model relativistic heavy-ion collisions using dynamic microscopic transport simulations. A lot of my research focuses on developing flexible EOS meta-models which constitute an adjustable input to the simulations. Constraining the QCD EOS and uncovering the QCD phase diagram relies on comparisons to experimental data, which in turn require extensive use of high-performance computing. Recently, to address the high computational cost of such analyses, I have begun incorporating machine learning techniques into my work.

Currently, I am working on the following projects:

My past projects include: